An Audit is a check of tax and business records to make sure the Tax Payer has paid the right amount of tax. After an audit, you may be entitled to a refund or you may have to pay more tax.
IRD Dispute Process (update)
Disagreeing with a disputable decision or assessment? Disputes process makes sure your rights are protected if the matter goes to court
Mike Lennard
GST Issues on Land Transactions
Are you buying or selling land? Mistakes with GST can be costly and difficult to put right Learning Outcomes Overview of possible tax issues related to property transactions Special tax..
Tony Marshall
Principal at CEG Limited
Overview of Land Transactions
Inland Revenue is actively following up with taxpayers that have bought and sold properties in the last five years
Jay Changlani
Chartered Accountant, Orb360
IRD Instalments Arrangements (update) -Session 1
Struggling to pay off debt or manage tax? Set up a plan to pay off your debt if you cannot afford to pay it in full. Intermediaries can set up…
Mike Lennard
IRD Instalments Arrangements (update) -Session 2
Struggling to pay off debt or manage tax? Set up a plan to pay off your debt if you cannot afford to pay it in full. Intermediaries can set up instalment…
Stephen Lukey
Imputation Rules
If you are a shareholder you may get the benefit of the Income Tax paid to the company The dividend imputation system lets companies pass on to their shareholders credits…
Tony Marshall
Principal at CEG Limited
GST Adjustments 2021
We will be guiding you through a number of infrequent and/or complex GST issues. Whilst, identifying and calculating and GST adjustments required to be made for the GST returns.
Jay Changlani
Chartered Accountant, Orb360
Tax Avoidance, Tax evasion and IRD Shortfall Penalties -Session 1
You need to be careful when you file your tax return. This Webinar covers the major elements of Tax Avoidance and the distinguishing features between Avoidance and Evasion. If you…
Stephen Lukey
Tax Avoidance, Tax evasion and IRD Shortfall Penalties -Session 2
Mike Lennard
Fringe Benefit Tax 2021
The Governments tax take in respect of FBT is heavily slanted towards motor vehicles. Therefore, unsurprisingly this is where IRD focus their time during a review. Don’t get Caught out!
Tony Marshall
Principal at CEG Limited