IRD Tax Audit (update)


If you are chosen for an IRD Tax Audit, dont stress!

We are here to help.

An Audit is a check of tax and business records to make sure the Tax Payer has paid the right amount of tax. After an audit, you may be entitled to a refund or you may have to pay more tax.

Our team consists of an ex IRD Lawyer and a current Tax Barrister, they are here to guide you through your financial affairs.

It may be regarding your GST, Income Tax, or Employer Returns.

Learning Outcomes

  • We will guide you through the different types of audits
  • What to expect if you are selected for one.

Suited To

This webinar is suitable for anyone or anyone advising clients that have been caught up in a tax audit


Stephen Lukey


Our webinars operate on a ‘one-connection-one-fee’ basis so you can have your whole team participate for one cost effective price


Stephen Lukey
Stephen Lukey

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